
Leadership Connection Series with Dawn Braddock

Leadership Connection Series with Dawn Braddock


Leadership Connection Series with Dawn Braddock  December 13, 2023

THRC has partnered up with Dawn Braddock, a successful entrepreneur who operates her own training company, the Business Enhancement Group. Her training includes sessions on communication skills, leadership essentials, motivating your team, mastering time and more.

In session one of this four part series will develop participants’ understanding of what it means to be an effective leader and how to demonstrate high impact leadership skills. Key learnings are focused identifying leadership traits and characteristics, assessing leadership competencies, exploring the five big rocks of leadership and the impacts on tasks, duties, and key functions.

December 13, 2023: Session Four: Accountability and Execution  

To outline the importance of accountability and execution to individual and
team success. During this session leaders build the specific skills that contribute to hold team members accountable for both effective and ineffective behaviour and the results that are achieved. High impact leaders need competencies of how to hold themselves and others accountable to execute on team goals. Accountability is vital the success of any team.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of holding yourself and teammates accountable for
    performance in a consistent manner.
  • Define accountability as consequences to both effective and ineffective
  • Explain the importance of creating an environment of accountability.
  • Demonstrate competency in delegating effectively to all members of your team regardless of peer relationships and history.
  • Explore the link between the 5 big rocks and the necessary importance of the 5th one (Accountability).
  • Differentiate between coaching, counseling and disciplinary action when helping your team succeed.

Facilitated by: Dawn Braddock, The Business Enhancement Group

Intended Audience: Supervisors, Managers, Owners, Operators

If this session is full, e-mail to be put on the waitlist.

Location: Cost: Registration Deadline:
Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre

2302 Bridge Road, Oakville

Multi-Purpose Room 1 &2

No Cost December 11, 2023

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Bookings are closed for this event.