Self-Directed Learning – Mental Health and Well-Being

Mental Health and Well-Being



THRC Podcasts

Join us as we reflect and learn together by sharing stories and perspectives from professionals in the early learning community. You can find all episodes of THRC Table Talks on Soundcloud and Spotify. Do you have something to share? Email us at Use this Podcast Reflection Form to reflect on your learning after listening to an episode, and add it to your CPL.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

Reach Out Centre for Kids joins us to explore how we can take care of our ourselves so we can do our best to take care of others. What ideas resonated with you to try?

Taking Care of Your Mental Health Episode Resources

Maintaining Motivation

Join us as we sit down with Belinda, a preschool educator in Halton, to discuss how she maintains her motivation during challenging times, and how she has responded to the changes over the past year while still offering high quality experiences for children.


Intro to the Halton Early Years Mental Health Toolkit

Susan Stewart

Introduction to Shanker Self-Regulation Recording

Understanding Compassion Fatigue Recording 

A Discussion of Mental Health in Early Childhood Settings

Introduction to the Kindergarten Parents Survey & Findings 2023
**The kindergarten parent survey video provides insight on caregiver experiences on stress, social support, and feelings of neighborhood cohesion. As well as findings on increased physical activity amongst kindergarten aged children.


10 Days of Self-Regulation
This self-paced resource includes reflective prompts and exercises that take a closer look and a deeper understanding of self-regulation including some of the science behind self-regulation, and how understanding your own self-regulation supports the children in your care.
*All information and online resources have been adapted from the works of Dr. Stuart Shanker and Susan Hopkins from The Mehrit Centre

Let's Talk Self-Reg: Diving Into Educator Self-Regulation
This self-paced learning resource will guide, you the educator, to dive deeper into your own self-regulation and deepen your understanding of how the 5 steps of self-reg can support you inside and outside the classroom. Understanding your own self-reg will further support you in co-regulation when working with children.
*All information and online resources have been adapted from the works of Dr. Stuart Shanker and Susan Hopkins from The Mehrit Centre